Originally posted by weedsnomore:
Is that stuff safe to apply without any safety equiptment on? Like some kind of breathing mask or at least a face sheild?
YES, it is "safe" (in my opinion, which is based on 26 years of field experience in the pesticide industry).

However, if you were to pose the same question to a media reporter or an environmental-activist, you'd probably get a much different answer - since their respective livelihoods depend upon inciting controversy and cynicism.

To clarify my initial response: my Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) would be appropriately modified had I been using herbicides that represented elevated user-risks. However, with my understanding of the chemistries being applied, I felt very safe (and comfortable) with my level of PPE.

The blue-colored fluid depicted in the pictures was simply produced by a blue spray-pattern indicator (a temporary dye). The colorant assists with application-accuracy by allowing one to see what has been treated and what was missed. The colorant also serves a precautionary safety-function by letting the applicator know IF and WHERE he was exposed to the mixture. I inadvertently sprayed the bow of my kayak - which was thoroughly washed after the treatment was completed. However, my white shirt and face had no indications of exposure. Even so, I thoroughly wash-up after every treatment as a trained and appropriate precaution - regardless of the product(s) being used.

Bottom line:
Was it "safe"? I certainly feel it was - or I wouldn't have done it.
Was there a "risk"? The herbicides represented a MUCH lower risk than my drive through Houston's traffic to reach the treatment site!