Cripes Kelly, have you read my posts? I have friends with small kids around my pond with my dogs (and in case you're wondering, the dogs take their dumps along the fence line).

Again, my dogs don't like geese but they're not out 24 hrs a day.

I said "FlightControl" looked like the prefect solution in some cases but not "MINE"! I seriously thought about using FlightControl until I read the label (that's where my conclusion came from).

I'm not trying to argue with you Kelly but I want you to see where I'm coming from. Any kids that come over to my pond deserve to be safe (including chemicals). I have life jackets and life rings around the pond and make sure at least two parents are at the pond(even if one child is fishing).

esshup, kinda like alcohol and tobacco???

Last edited by hang_loose; 09/07/13 12:22 AM.