Hey everyone. My goodness time flies.

I have my permit for the grass carp and just waiting to get them dropped into the pond!

In looking back at the options given to me by the guy who I paid to come out, here's what I have left on the list, in no particular order (prices are estimates or a flat-out guess, the pond is 0.4AC surface area):

Aeration System ... $700 - $1500
Microlyfe Complete ... $190
Microlyfe Digester ... $441
Diquat ... $40 (1QT)
Cutrine Plus ... $40 (1 Gal) *Says I'm not supposed to use when Koi/Goldfish are present???*

I have not had a bad algae bloom this year like last year...Guessing that has to do with the rain and temperatures here in VA. I still want to convert this to LMB and Bluegill/crappie, etc.

I want to spend under $500 on the next step.

Given that:
1) What should I do next?
2) Are there cheap alternatives for the chemicals/aeration or does anyone know where I can get them for a good price?
3) Should I really use Cutrine Plus since I do have Koi/Goldfish? (guessing not, hoping I can skip it)
4) When should I start putting in other fish?

Thanks everyone.