Thanks Cecil for the feedback. Reality is the compressor I am using is a 2 piston, high output compressor. They use these in construction ALL the time. It is common for them to be in rough environments, heavy use, and run for 20-30 years. Durability is **not** the issue. As for continuous use, there is no need to run constantly.

Energy use? Maybe. Won't dispute that. However, I have the compressor output dialed back far enough that it only comes on about 2x an hour, for ONE minute each time. It goes from its 80psi trigger point back to the 125psi. It has a 20 gallon tank and a pressure regulator on the line. I also have it on a timer so that it comes on in the evening and early in the morning for a couple hours each.

As for a membrane type diffuser, I'm sure you're right. But that would kind of defeat the purpose of a true "DIY" bubbler.

Last edited by woodb01; 08/14/13 07:39 AM.