Originally Posted By: ewest
How about a general update on the preserve ?

It has been a difficult period of just trying to maintain a status quo. We are 4 years, 3 months into building the garage apartment. It has absorbed 95% of our time and attention to the entire LNP project. The other 5% has been maintaining 46 wild acres of mostly mature timber. 5% of weekend warrior time allocation is nowhere near enough time for proper maintenance of 46 ac. Fortunately, Dski handles most of those maint needs while I continue to do projects in the gar/apt that only need one person. We have developed a routine and rhythm in juggling all the needs to remain in the black regarding maintenance and personal commitment....and the ever-so-important attitude. I am a VERY fortunate man and very blessed to have such a supportive and strong wife (both mentally and physically).
The fish still get no pressure. I am learning-by-doing with managing muskrats. One of the biggest forces we are finding to be overwhelming is Mother Nature's ability to reclaim cleared areas. We have an area that is heavily populated with Black Locust trees. That is one of the most prolific growers and spreads like wildfire. We knew they grew fast, but not like they really did. We are spending days of cutting 2" - 4" caliper saplings (trees?) in areas that were bare naked 6 years ago.
Anyway, God willing and the creek don't rise, we hope to have an occupancy permit for the gar/apt by spring 2014. This will usher in a new chapter for our LNP project. The only thing is....I'm not really sure how that chapter will be written.