for use of cutrine liquid i was afraid to use to much on this application. here is what i did, i use 1/2 gallon of cutrine. i figured cubic feet as follows:

40 foot radius squared times 3.14 equals 5024 square feet. the depth is really closer to 8 foot average but say it is maybe 7 feet average equal 7 times 5025 or 35000 cubic feet or about .8 acrea feet.

according to the label on cutrine it says 2.4 gallons per cubic acre. or 2.4 time .8 acrefeet equals about 2 gallons for a total algae kill.

somehow my math failed me whn i calculated my first application and i only used a 1/2 gallon.

i still have just a couple of floaters near shore. should i spot treat that? or should i treat the whole pond?

bill thanks for correcting me on my calculations but i know my pond is very deep with steep sides except for where we had to go in with the dozer. i still believe it is 7 feet average depth.

i will implement your suggestions now.