Thanks for the help guys. I am getting it narrowed down thanks to you.

On the photography. I am certainly not an expert, as I am sure there are many others here that are more capable than me. Because of the need to take pics of my artwork with small details, I have the need/patience to keep trying. It gets expensive to hire it out to be done all the time.

I have a Fuji FinePix digital camera. Model S602Zoom. I imagine it is now considered an antique compared to how fast technology moves. It has settings for macro, which probably all do now. I took the seed pod photo with no tripod, holding the camera in one hand with seed in other. I was quite surprised myself as to how clear it was. It goes to 6 megapixels, which tells you the age too. Most of the cheapies now go better than that. The photos above were taken at the 3M level.

A couple things that I try to remember when I take photos. For those of us that are in the generation where we had the older cameras with film(you remember that?), it's hard to break that mental thought in the back of your mind about how much it costs for the film and developing. With digital, take LOTS of pics. What's it going to hurt? Take at least two of each in case you move, and try different stuff, in different ways. For example, I tried many different white backgrounds with those above. Every time, they all turned out blue. Yes, I am sure there is a way to change the settings to make it better, but I don't want to think that hard. Instead, I tried the background of the finger (It' not going to cost anything to try) and I was surprised as to the trueness of color it gave.

Another thing that is important with digital pics is lightining. You have to have good lighting. Digital just can't take good pics in low light, and the flash is usually worthless. It floods out the subject to much, etc...

Hope this helps you in some small way, you guys are always helping me in big ways. Thankyou.