tomparker, what will the grasscarp do for your "algae" problem other than increase your nutrient load and causing "more" algae and then more Cutrine use and the cycle goes on and on.Be sure the grass carp (algae eaters) are going to do what you need them to do.In Ohio I often consider them algae producers (not always a bad thing)but may be in your situation. Many great posts on this site on what plants grass carp are effective on (ie chara) and in what part of the country and at what time of year.Cutrine is a good product as far as copper goes but keep in mind it is not a problem solver but a symptom masker. Good Luck PS I would hang on to that other gallon of Cutrine as about 6 weeks is what I have seen Cutrine be effective for.At your depth I imagine that algae is alive and well on the bottom and will surface as it gets enough o2 to do so.