Thanks for the follow up. Is this something I should be concerned about? I read a little about bluegreen algage, and of course got mixed results... from no biggie to fatally toxic.

There isn't much "floating", its mostly suspended throughout the water. My dogs drank the water over the last few days and have had no ill effects. I'm planning to keep them away until I know a little more now.

There are various farm fields where we live to where runoff would end up in our pond, and we had some flash-flooding that causes insane amounts of water to flow in and out of the pond last saturday (the 6th). The aerator has been running 24x7 for about 2 weeks now after the 8 day startup. before that -- according to the neighbors, it probably hasn't been run in at least 2 years.

A couple days before the big rain, I had sprayed a combination of Cutrine-Plus and Weedtrine D to kill of a small amount some FA and American Pondweed that was growing.

just kinda new to all this, and not really sure what i'm looking at or looking for most of the time! All the help is much appreciated!

What does a beneficial phyto-plankton bloom look like in comparison?

Last edited by ninety6; 07/11/13 05:51 PM.