Thanks for the input.
I am trying to figure out how to get the most transfer of DO into the existing pond water by splash aeration without having to buy a DO meter (that ESSHUP mentioned). That is currently a 8" exit pipe you are looking at there with probably a 15' to 20' long by 1' to 2' wide stream of air bubbles you see. I am pumping in well over 500 GPM a minute of some what aerated well water. The well water primarily is aerated near the head of the well thru a Jacuzzi like intake system setup. I have never had a DO issue with the pond. Just trying to make sure I am running more efficiently at the exit / pond water end of the system.

RC51 that pond is 3AC. The well water is coming in bubbly aerated during warmer weather at over 500 GPM flow. Normally I have a 45 turn put on at that exit end during summer and fall that goes up about 3' above the water to allow it to splash into the pond as it exits. I remove it during cold season so I can raise the water level and pump the 69 degree water in to keep water temps up and not have it cooled by the air in the cooler weather months.

I am wondering what will transfer more DO into the existing pond water. Splash from fall or multiple small holes shooting out into the water. Shoot come to think of it I can always do both.

Last edited by Tums; 05/31/13 04:24 PM.