Keith, I would like to start aquaponics as well. If your kiddie pool is 3 ft deep, that would be about 1,100 gal which is about 7.5 gal/fish at 150 fish. I've read that you can go up to 3 gal/fish which would be over 350 fish in your pool. Are you limited by grow bed space? So are the yp and tilapia your eating fish and you are feeding them aquamax, crayfish, and minnows?

Unfortunately I don't know much yet about fish. From what I've read, tilapia are the easiest to raise but my impression is the nutritional content is not that great. Bass, perch, and BG from what I can tell are similar nutritionally. People say that BG tastes good so what I don't understand is why bother raising perch or bass which are predatory and therefore more expensive, instead of BG to eat, unless the goal is sport fishing?