My family has been looking into putting a 1/2 - 1 acre pond in on our property. We are now looking into the idea of "building" pools into a streambed that has a spring that runs year-round (estimate 75-100 gpm at head of streambed).

The stream flows very shallow and wide. Does anyone have any experience digging out pools in a streambed for trout? We have heavy equipment and plenty of large rocks that we could use to get some depth. Ultimately, we would be looking at getting trout into the stream, at least in the cooler months.

In terms of water quality, we currently have a springbox at the head of the streambed that catches 99% of the water--we could easily divert the water flow around the areas we are working to maintain clean water downstream.

Lookikng for comments/suggestions--I can't find anything on this topic on the search.