Anytime you transfer a fish from one Bow to another there is always a chance you may bring in some kind of virus that the fish may have?? You may end up with 1 very large fish in your pond. Keep in mind a 18 inch bass can eat something as big as 6 inches long that includes other bass. If you sure said fish is a good clean fish you could transfer him but it's not the best practice.

As far as genetics go you can get just as good of genetics from a young 10 to 12 inch Florida strain bass as you can a 18 inch bass. Just depends on the fish / quality of fish / and where it came from.

Your 2 worse issues? I would say possible virus problem that could infect other fish / or said Bass will just die from not being used to the new BOW he just got put into.

Best case said bass lives and starts to put on weight. Becomes the bully of the pond and one day he is 10 pounds!!!

Good Luck,

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!