Well I was at the pond Saturday and setup my feeder. It wasn't to long and I had fish hitting the surface and eating my AM600. So I thought no better time then the present to try my Stubby Steves again. I put one on a hook just so the tip was barely pushing out and a bobber up about 2 feet.

And once again I have failed to catch anything with this setup... frown Every once in a while I would get my bobber to bounce just a bit but that was it???? No hard hits no take the bobber down or nothing? The bobber was not very big either. I put worms on and caught about 6 or 7 BG one was about 8 inches.

I just don't get it? Maybe the key for me is to put SandS on a small popper and see if they will hit it? I don't know? I really don't want to take up fly fishing to make these pellets work?

Any ideas would be apprecaited. I would love to make these pellets work but I guess my fish are VERY picky!!!


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!