Originally Posted By: esshup
Cecil, thanks for all the pictures. Seeing what you're going thru makes me realize that proper design of a pond that is to be used for fish production is paramount!

Yeah a fish production pond in my mind would be rectangular, not too deep or too steep of sides, sloping to one end, and most of all a drain that can be opened on the deepest end to drain without pumping. A concrete basin in the deep end to catch the fish would be really helpful with concrete stairs going down to it. Add to that a way to add fresh water into the concrete basin and you're good to go!

Originally Posted By: esshup
I also see the rock to the left of the pier is what I had the seine hung up on.

Yeah well we can't make it easy now can we? grin

Originally Posted By: esshup
2 people would make that job so much easier...... At least you don't have to go to the gym today!

True but then again when you do things by yourself enough you find creative ways to get the job done. I'm sure you can relate.

Originally Posted By: esshup
Is Eva still getting her daily exercise? wink

She's not getting it every day but almost every day. Once I start filling the pond again I can get on a regular schedule again which means long walks to exercise the dog and for to continue to lose weight.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.