Originally Posted By: esshup
The lightbulb finally clicked today when I was in the car. Variable speed drive (VSD) Run the motor slower so you aren't using all the HP. Now I see why a much larger pump/motor is more effecient.

I'll let you know what they have to say.

Close, but no, you ARE using all the HP. Pumps are a constant HP (variable torque) application. You still are kicking out the same HP, just slowing the speed down, which increases the torque. You can set VFD's up either way. If you set it up for constant torque (variable hp), when you slow the motor down, your hp drops, but maintains torque. Don't want to do that, it will suck MORE juice.

Lowering the frequency to slow the speed down in constant hp mode will lower your KW consumed while maintaining name plate hp.

Last edited by JKB; 04/08/13 08:20 AM.