We have had somewhat minimal luck with attracting ducks to the pond. We get them, but never much more than a dozen or so at a time. There are many weekends that we don't see any duck activity. Dski loves them little quackers, so whenever we get any duck activity, she gives the binoc's a real workout. It does my heart good to see her enjoying her favorite feathered visitors.
Well, the last few weekends have ushered substantial duckage adjustments. Being the spring, with migration and all, I presume that our chances for increased duckage are likely near a peak. We have always gotten a few Woodducks, Hooded Mergansers, Groebes, and an occassional Mallard. A few weeks ago, we got a new visitor that brought out the bird bood for ID. Our first Ringneck ducks. The next weekend, some more. This past weekend, I guesstimate 75 - 100 of the dabbling divers.

There were a few Woodducks, Mallards, and Hooded Mergansers mixed in, but by and large the vast majority was Ringnecks