We could afford to install an electric aeration system. Just debating whether we can get the same results on a smaller $ with the windmill. The windmill systems I have costed would be near $2200-2500 by the time they are complete. Koenders 24 ft, single diaphragm is the system I was leaning towards.

Can anyone using a Windmill system chime in? I have seen a lot of discussions on them, but the people commenting all seem to have some sort of electric driven system, or are pushing towards one (and there could very well be a reason behind that:))

As far as the purpose our pond serves us it is mostly for fishing LMBass. But we will occassionaly swim in it the few hottest weeks of the year. (And the swimming is really the majority of the reason we are looking into aeration, to make that a bit more enjoyable. Its no fun up to your knees in black sludge!)

I feel like the more research I do, the more I can not decide!