Hi Mackie~ From what I have seen in action, windmill aeration is very sporatic. You get some good bubbles going, then they stop. Few more, then nothing. I would be interested to see on going water quality data before windmill aeration and on going to see how effective they really are... I'm not knocking it, I just don't know. Electric is definately more dependable and can be counted on to destratify, raise dissolved oxygen and decrease muck if properly sized. You don't have to run electricity to the pond. You can have your cabinet at the house and run 1" PVC to the edge of the pond. If installed this spring, by summer your pond will be a much more pleasant swimming hole. Not that the muck will be gone by then, that could take a few years, but it will circulate the water and in turn release any bad odors caused by built up gases on the bottom. Your pond will quickly become a much healthier ecosystem.

Sue Cruz
Vertex Water Features