We have the digging type of crayfish in our area, and they seem to find every body of water on their own. My new pond will hopefully be a SMB pond, so I am hoping to add a bunch of habitat away from the dam to support crayfish, but we will see how it works out. I have some shallow duck ponds with no rock, but all of the weeds harbor a lot of crayfish even though it has preditors. It grows nice warmouth and LMB, but the big LMB succum to low O2 every few years. When the water is open in early spring (before it becomes weed choked), it is a blast to fish. I think the limited fishing window actually works well for a body of water on a piece of private land since it cannot be fished all the time. I do have a larger old pond that is easy to fish any time, and we just built a second "deep" pond. I sure appreciate the abilty to live on such a nice property!