Originally Posted By: FireIsHot
Do you rent your brother out?
Sounds he makes sure he gets a deal.

Al he is a nut!
But a good one...lol
When he buys a car he does all the carfax research dealer invoice stuff, walks in and says "here is exactly what you guys paid for this vehicle...I am paying cash...I am buying today...no tire-kicking...you guys can make x-amount from me or I will go down the street to the other dealer and see if they want to make the deal".

So while he's out buying the "less important" stuff like backhoes, I'm given the "more important" task of finding the old rustic wagon yard-art we bought for $400 on Craigslist we had delivered from Myrtle Springs yesterday. No CarFax available for this old 1920's wagon...looks like it has high mileage, but thats what we wanted.

Fishing has never been about the fish....