Originally Posted By: esshup
Welcome back!

Do you (or have you noticed) a leak at the dam?

How low is the pond from full pool? With that info, I can give you a very rough idea on how many gallons you would need to pump. But, that figure wouldn't take into consideration any leakage from the pond.

Just remember that pumping from the stream might allow some live critters from the stream to enter the pond. How they'd make it thru the pump unscathed, I don't know, but just wanted to bring up that possibility.

Well the Lake is about 10 years old... When we had good rain in 2009 and 2010 the lake was full going through the stand pipe ! But now the lake is about 10 to 12 feet down!!

But My 2 acre lake is FULL!! I built it on another water shed on the property to help supplement this lake with extra water shed. I built it 6 years ago