Here's a company (n ot sure if its the one we used) that makes floc logs:

About the silt pond. The creek that supplies my pond flows at a rate of about 1 gallon per second and begins its life as a series of springs that emerge in the hills above my more than a mile. At one point the creek points straight at a hillside, which forces the creek to make a 90 degree turn. Over time it has eroded this bank and has created a bit of a pool in the creek bed. Just after the creek turns we decided to created a dam using four huge concrete blocks (like giant Lego's). The idea was if we can slow down the flow of water in the creek, the water will deposit its load...and do so in the creek bed rather than in the pond.

I expect that at some point we may have to clean the silt pond out...just a question of how much more silt is going to roll down the hill.

I do think that even if this hadn't occurred, installing a silt pond would have been a good idea.