Deer Hunters and Bass Fishermen

Y’all PB I & II Conference guys remember Brandon Powers that captured an audience tyin” his famous deer hair bass bugs?
He’s the best I know of and so good at it I don’t even try to tie ‘em!

Well, I’ve come across a pattern that I can tie that requires less skill that is a weedless/snagless bug that a friend of mine came up with - the reason for this post.
Here's my version of "weedless" bass bugs:

You northern deer hunters can help me out on this - different deer hair from different parts of deer - y’all are all familiar with bucktail but hair for spinning/stacking comes from deer body or belly - that’s where I run into trouble.
I need courser longer belly hair to act as a weed guard that is long enough for a 2/0 gape hook - deer hair is hollow and causes the hook to ride “hook-point-up”.
Fabulous bass bug for springtime aquatic vegetation.

Northern deer hair is much better for this purpose than our deer because of the cold weather - I process Texas bucktail because I like the texture but I need a “patch” of long course northern belly hair.

I know that Nate, Cat, Scott and others process their own deer - I’ll swap a bug or so from any of you guys if interested.
Take a piece or so of belly hide and dry it out in borax - I can bleach and dye….

PM if interested
George Glazener

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)