Originally Posted By: george1
Because of my experience of feeding my expensive 4-6 inch HSB to adult LMB, we built a ¼ acre “grow-out pond” in the spring and stocked with FH, CNBG, and RES. The following spring the water was black with FHM and CNBG when we stocked fingerling HSB - they NEVER became pellet trained - thought they were all dead until fall and this what we began to catch!

George: I can only hope! At least I have hope, coming from a Pondster like yourself, with all your experience with HSB's, I feel like I have a chance! Thanks

I just finished reading through the link you provided about this subject. I got a real feel for what you have discovered through the years, sure helps a newbee like me shave off some trial and error from my "resume'". Thanks again, with help from the likes of you and Todd my fish will be winners! and so will my Dinner Table!.................Budster