Thank you so very much! I will check these books out. I love learning how to be better to ensure a better quality of life for my animals. I appreciate your advice smile

Definitely the working schedule as I work fulltime outside the home & with all the other chores/care I do for the other animals that would be the most helpful. But I hate to make you go to all that extra work of typing the schedule when you are very busy & just returned home. You don't have to trouble yourself; I appreciate the thought.

Thank you, for taking the time to reach out .... greatly helped w/overwhelmed & left behind blues smile

I'm glad everyone had a great time & had safe travels back home. Mongo arrived home & promptly went to sleep .... it's tuff being Mongo wink LOL Just glad to have the big guy home safely!

Have a great day.

"Pushing to Please"

Pond Boss Conference Attendee 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 & 2015