May I mention that I do have more or less the exact same problem with the leak?
2 acre pond, built in the 60s, great Bass in by now
Deepest spot about 9 foot
Fed by creek and spring, natural overflow outlet.

Never any maintenance done and now the dam leaks around the old drain pipe including a wet spot of app. 8 by 20 feet.
Same issue with total lack of access and large trees growing for decades on the dam.

Estimated amount of leaking water is around 24,000 gallon a day but the water is clear and has no silt or clay residue in it.

I googled a lot and could find only one company anywhere close by - thy showed up for a site inspection, good communication but they seem overly eager to start the job ASAP and their quote is around 50K.

Does anybody have any experience with the following company?

Best regards
