John, thanks for the complement. I've been planting trees and working on this property non stop for nearly three years. The backyard section was horse pasture and riding rings when I bought the place via a "short-sale". It was overrun by weeds and lack of care. The original levy was only 10 to 15 feet deep and was leaking with the help of muskrats. In digging the new pond addition, my southerly neighbor/rancher allowed me to dump my excess dirt behind the original pond. The levy now has 60 feet of depth and no longer leaks. I still have muskrats, but at least I know they won't be digging through the levy.

The process has been slow and difficult at times. I'm the sole "contractor/worker-bee" and I'm feeling pretty old right about now. But I see progress every day, and as long as that happens, I'm able to keep on going. It was great fun this past april and may when I found the three "large" LMB and a whole gaggle of catfish in the new pond addition. That was before aeration system and sunny hot weather. I hope I can continue to see progress and eventually have a park like backyard to enjoy and watch the grass grow. Right now I'm hoping to find the bottom of the rock pile. I'll update later to answer EESHUP's questions. I need to subscribe to the magazine. That might help some. Thanks gentlemen, Dennis