I was wondering if anyone has a bo-jo fishing light
this will be my second attempt at installing a bug wacking light. Some of you may remember my bugslugger solar setup it did work but for some reason my solar panels would not charge my battery up enough and there were water proofing problems with the bugslugger. The bo-jo looks like a solid light and i saw the video and it looks pretty good.
I dont have a dock so i am looking for ideas to hang it over the water from the bank. I was thinking of using a 4x4 hinged to another 4x4 on the bank so i could bring it back over land for maintence. ANY IDEAS ARE APPRECIATED. [img]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:3-DInFWkx2-GtM:http://www.havefunfishing.com/images/bojo_bottomview.jpg[/img]

You can pay more but you cant buy better.