I have a couple of stories but I will only cite one and try to keep it short. Randolph county, IN. is mostly agriculture. A farmer next to me was spreading pig manure into his fields with a high pressure pump that made the spray look like an oil well gusher and stunk the whole area up. I complained. Another farmer took offence and saw a few illegal thistle weeds growing on my small farm (every farm in the county has them) and set in motion this chain of events. I received a notice from the county that a private mower would come in on a certain date and mow my 5 1/2 acre pond area and this could not be stopped except by the complainer. I had thousands of small trees planted in this area at no small expense. I searched for a law to stop this, national, state and local but couldn't find anything. A couple of times I went to the agricultural extension agency and they said why didn't you plant the trees in rows and they would be easy to take care of. I didn't want it looking like corn rows. One day I went in and another agent was there filling in and I told him my story and he said there was a law that said that small trees had to be allowed to grow and not bothered. Bingo! I went to the courthouse and ask for the name of the complainer and they didn't want to give it to me. I said if my trees are cut down I have to have a name to file suit against. Then I went to the farmer that complained and told him I was filing suit the day the trees were cut down. He backed down and stopped the action.