About ten years ago I designed our .35 acre/500,000 gal pond according to best practices. Treated turbidity with gypsum and achieved 8-10" visibility; first introduced perch, channels, minnows then 10 LMB and all was good for many years--water was translucent green--great vertical food chain--we had 1" freshwater shrimp. Recently a neighbor moved in next door; new construction sent torrents of sediment reducing visibility to near zero then they established a large pile of horse manure on our property line that drains straight into the pond. Recent testing shows e coli above state limits for human contact. Any suggestions for pathogen remediation that will not kill what fish are left? Pumping out and refilling is not an option since many in our area have wells at our depth going dry. Chlorine will kill what little algae is left to oxygenate but will not impact parasites. Thanks!