
In our area, the best time to start is in March. (This year, it was even earlier because of the nectar/honey flows). If you already had hives or know of someone who wants to break off and split their hives, you can go ahead and get some NUCS as Liquid has done.

If you lived in just across the line in Virginny, starting in 2013, you could actually get a $200 grant/tax credit per hive to help defray your start up costs. Liquid is right, including my initial two packages of 3lbs of bees and the queen, I have around $400 total in my initial investment of 2 eight frame medium hives.

Everyone needs to read Dave Davidson's post regarding the drones. If the human race conducted ourselves similar to the way a bee colony manages their own, we certainly would not have alot of the problems in our society that we currently have....but I digress.

Bees, and their behavior(s), are absolutely fascinating. After having them for awhile, I can tell you that my father didn't know what he was talking about when he gave me the 'birds and the bees' lecture 40+ years ago...LOL.There's a heck'uva lot more to it.

Regards to all,

Last edited by Freedomeagle; 07/02/12 01:30 PM.