I've done a search here and on the internet in general, but I wanted some nw input from members here in the real world of ponds and lakes.

We are having a hot dry summer and my old lake is losing a half an inch of water per day, on average. I have a yardstick as a gauge, so I'm not just guessing.

The new lake (concerning leaks) I've started several threads about here is losing a little more water. I'm hoping this is only evaporation and not seepage. I hope we got that problem solved, but I can't tell right now.

Someone in our local Soil Conversation Service said that a pond or lake that doesn't have a creek running into it providing at least a trickle of water, loses a lot of water due to evaporation.

What evaporation rates are some of you experiencing now? Mu old lake has held water like a bathtub for decades, and I consider it to be very reliable. However, this year, it's dropping at the rate of about a half inch a day. I can only attribute that to evaporation.

I'd like to get your personal observations, esperiences, and what you are currently experiencing this summer if you are having an unusually hot and dry season for this time of year.

Also, I promised as update concerning the lake rennovation this past winter. I have not forgotten about that, and will be posting something very soon.
