Just read in the June issue of the South Carolina Sportsman publication where "large consumptions will kill fish quickly". The reference is to the white-winged newbie's hatch and they fall into the water. Thus keep your pond banks clear of these nasty critters. I can think of 1,001 other reasons why to to do this other than protecting your fish, in which I have a hard time believing this is a real hazard to fish. Perhaps this is Mother Nature's natural selection and those fish ought to go anyway. Anyone ever heard of this? No doubt large consumptions of anything is bad - look at America's waistline! Anybody seen any credible research on this before I waste my time with a letter to the editor?!

- Dave
4.5 acre woodland pond constructed Feb 2011
- began fill Aug 25 - full pool Nov 18
- fish stocked Oct 25: 1200 Shellcracker; 3800 bluegill bream; 500 channel catfish
May 2012: 500 LMB May 2012; 50 "permitted" sterile grass carp.