I'm putting together some attractors that are a compromise of the PVC Trees and the Porcupine spheres.
I bought a 20 Ft. piece of schedule 40 PVC cut into 7 equal segments(2ft 10") and drilled 34- 5/8" holes randomly spaced into each of the 7 segments. One segment got an extra 2 holes. Next I took 60 10ft pcs of 1/2" hot water PVC and cut 4 2.5ft pcs. from each for a total of 240 pcs. THe 1/2" PVC fits tight in the 5/8" hole so that a good surface to glue exists.
Tomorrow I will take to the pond and glue each of the 240 pcs into the holes in the 3" PVC. This will make them 5 ft tall with the 3" segment running horizontal to the pond bottom. I plan to place them in 4.5ft. of water so they will be visible to cast to. Not sure of the cost for each but will be affordable.
Does anyone know if they will float or sink? I can add a weight to each if necessary.