Well here's the latest. Yesterday we went to check the feeders and get our John Deere unburied. Don't even ask.

I always throw a handful of food out of all the feeders, just to see if the CNB are hanging around, and as I was walking around my CNB breeder pond, I saw a LMB cruising the bank. I came back a little while later with a ultralight and a roadrunner, and caught a 4 pound LMB on the first cast.

The heavy rains we've had here in East TX created a problem I should have foreseen. The quickly rising water levels basically joined both my waters on 3 separate occasions, and I'm thinking my CNB only tank has been hosed.

So, after spending all the time/money/effort for this project, I'll have to rethink all this.

So here's my plan.
1) Seine the CNB pond and check the population for CNB and LMB.
2) Add another galvanized culvert to reroute runoff to the big lake.
3) Add several yards of course rock to the runoff area on the CNB pond to control fish movement between the ponds.

Nothing has been a deal breaker yet, but after figuring out how to pump water into the CNB pond when needed, I never even considered the opposite situation.

Still, rain is good.