I have Brian’s permission to transfer his “Tilapia VS FA” post over to Q&A to discuss tilapia-stocking options.

We had a fantastic trip to Overton Fisheries yesterday, and it was quite an experience. If I may, I would like to relate my thoughts about tilapia stocking options.

I was not privy to Brian and Todd’s discussions so don’t know anything other than they decided on 5lbs/acre. I do know that Brian’s lake is a new 11 acre lake, 28ft deep at full pool, and has a couple of feet to go to reach full pool. My observation is that he has sparse algae and they were looking at Tilapia for forage production - but only a guess.

There has been prior posts on tilapia stocking number based on flat rate numbers/acre vs. lbs/ acre, based on need – “it all depends”

Our 10-year-old 2-acre pond is now at full pool after recent rains, and has flushed nutrients for the first time in a number of years. Todd recommended 10 lbs/acre based on past experience successful algae control stocking rates.

Due to a warm winter, clear water, and excess nutrients, out 8-year-old ¼ acre pond is a total disaster with nasty algae! Our past successful all male, 5lb (20lb/acre) stocking rate went into the trash can. Todd recommended stocking 10 lbs. male/female tilapia this year, not concerned with over population, having stocked pure Florida LMB fingerlings for grow out transfer to main pond.
This little pond has been a jewels over the past few years producing trophy HSB and CNBG – with NO aeration and limited hand feeding…!

Enjoy the photos of a good day spent with a “virtual PB friend” that has become a new “best friend” reality category.

Last edited by george1; 03/28/12 04:48 PM. Reason: pond - not lake :>)

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)