Okay, I admit that I never would have believed that I could ask this question in February, but can I start working on some of my pond problems now? The ice is off the pond and I am thinking Spring.

Here is the situation. I had a thick mat of Chara last year on my points (four feet deep). I raked it off, but am sure that I did not get most of it. I was throwing my rake from the shore and dragging it across. I also have a little bit of curly leaf pond weed pop up. It looks like the Chara is starting to grow. Can I start to treat the pond now, or do I have to wait until the water gets warmer? It looks like some stuff is already growing, and I have cold water FA. I have a bag of Green Clean Pro granular.

Should I just rake again and wait for the real Spring? What should I do now? I am also adding aeration this Summer.

Retired Coach

Just another day in paradise!