Originally Posted By: esshup
For table fare I prefer deer that are YOY or 1 1/2 YO at the most. It doesn't matter when making sausage. (at least that's what I've found)

I'm more of a freezer hunter than strictly a horn hunter. BUT, I will put off shooting a buck (one buck rule here you know) until the very end of the last archery season if I know a big buck is in the area. My county doe limit is 8, my parents live in a county where the limit is 8 as well, and my sister's county is 8 too. I normally harvest a few does to give to Hunters Feeding the Hungry program.

I guess this is just one of the reasons I value Scott as a good friend. I couldn't agree more.

When I was last involved several years ago with Hunters for the Hungry as a Ruritan member, I believe we donated and helped prepare and distribute about a quarter-million pounds of venison to people in Virginia.

If you have something similar in your area, please support them if you don't want the venison yourself.

I just "turned" my sausage and snack meat mixture for the last time, before I re-grind it tomorrow morning for stuffing and smoking. I've never done illegal drugs, but the essence of the garlic and spice mixture has to come close to sniffing the white powder. If it is addictive -- so be it!!! smile

(To my local friends: Send more deer!!! crazy smile )

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