Wow, you folks create a great site with an tremendous amount of information, give us access to experts that will answer our questions, put up with our ignorance, and ignore our over active sense of humor, and then thank US for being here!

Joey said it better than I could. We should be thanking you.

So in a rare moment of clarity I will be serious and say...Thank you. Thank you to Bob Lusk for creating this site, writing the great books, producing the fantastic magazine, and bringing well needed attention to this obsession/hobby/unintentional vocation that we call pond management. Thanks you Mike Otto and Sherman Wyman, although I am ignorant of what roles you are playing here I'm sure that you are helping to keep this forum alive and well. Thank you to the moderators of this board, Bruce, Theo, Ewest, Bill, and Dave [I apologize if I left out anyone] for donating your time and effort to make this place possible. Your wisdom and sense of humor is greatly appreciated by this lowly member. I don't think that any of us members truly realize the time committment that it takes to make this such a great place. With out your effort this site simply would not be possible. And finally thanks to my fellow members, it's great to have a chance to "chat" with some of you, see photos of your ponds, share your victories and defeats. Special member thanks to DIED, for welcoming me into his home, being so generous with his both his time and Gambusia (spelling). I am a better person for having had interaction with you all.

And my final thanks goes to the "Sunnyville Institute for the Very Very Very Nervous" for declairing that I am no longer a threat to myself and others and allowing me to participate in this forum. PS please send more of the blue pills.

ok, come on, did you REALLY think that I was going to get through all of that without some humor... \:D


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)