Hey Bluegillerkiller,nice to make your acquaintance!
I had thought about killing everything. I weighed everything out. I want BG, and don't mind the GSF, just tired of all the little ones. I don't mind some CC, just didnt want them hogging all my aquamax.And wanted to decrease their portion of the biomas.As I am led to believe, as in livestock production, that a given area of real estate will only support so many head of Bovine, as far as natural grazing goes.Want more cattle to the acre, then plan on supplementation.i.e. bring in hay, and grain, and protein supplement.I do believe that CC have their place in nature, and my pond.Pasturing sheep with cattle is beneficial, as sheep will eat things cattle won't and vice versa.Not trying to give you an FFA lesson here, but this is where my thought processes come from.I suppose that if the CC were going to be much of an issue, even in a smaller number, I would reconsider and do something different.

So i guess my conclusion was this, I want BG, just not so many little ones, but having good recruitment.

I don't mind a few CC, as they help with dead things laying at the bottom.
I want BG

I want YP

I want WE.

I think some CC are beneficial.

Option 1
kill everything and put BG back in,adding YP and WE and possibly CC for janitorial purposes

Option 2
Remove a given # of CC through angling and trotlining, which will not be a difficult task.
Add YP and WE, and see if YP and WE will drop my BG and GSF yoy by 20-30%
Remembering that HSB is a future option, with removal and additions with HSB, and WE,smaller ones preying more on yoy BG and GSF.

I say this with a smirk....I have been accused of being a blathering idiot before, and hope I'm not doing so again!

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer.