Originally Posted By: RC51
Mike I have the 9 inch diffusers from D. Express 3 of them and they work great on my 1 acre pond. If your pond is the size you say it is you will be fine with 1 station at a depth of 10 feet. As a matter of fact you could more than likely get by with 2 fusers instead of 3. Vertex makes a good fuser as well and they do have finer holes but I have had great luck with the fine bubble fusers from D. Express. I think either one would work great for your pond size just a matter of what you think you want. Find out what your CFM rating is on your pump for sure. Straw says it may be around 3.5 well make sure if you can. With that said the fusers from D. Express will handle anywhere from .5 to 5 cfm. So you could have 2 or 3 setup on one station without any problems and they have triple check valve in them I believe so when you turn the air off the fuser itself will stop water from coming back up the line. Of course some guys still put a check valve in near their pump as a backup. Good luck and keep us posted as to what you do.

RC51, you mention here that you use the fine bubble diffusers from Diffuser Express, could you tell me are they the "standard" or "high capacity" type.