Another quick update!

Well first off I have to give thanks to my mom! She has been hard at it working on my front yard and pond edge for a while now and the other day when I showed up I couldn't believe what she had done! I will have to show you a couple of before pics first. Here in this pic notice the big oak tree on the left, and that you can't really see anything left of that. Even if it was in the picture more all you would see is brush and junk! I would say 35 percent of my pond or more you couldn't see because of how thick and full of brush it was.

You can see it better in this picture notice above the air station all the junk up in there! It was a mess to say the least!

Now look at the after pic!! All I can say is WOW!! It looks awesome! Notice my air station and the big Oak tree, and how you can see all the way over to the left now! The view is so wide now I couldn't even get it all in the camera!! It's just really great! Thanks a ton mom for all your hard work!! Your the best!

Now as far as the cabin goes! WE GOT THE ROOF DONE!!!! Man if I had to get on that dang roof one more weekend I think I would have just jumped off the high side and been done with it!! smile My dad called me and asked if I wanted to do the last couple of feet when I got up there this weekend to finsih it off, and I respectfully declined! I said no rather quickly and told him to go right ahead and finish it off! smile Here is the roof done with ridge vent. We decided to go with ridge vent instead of the turbines.

Here is the left side of the cabin.

Here is the front with all the OSB on. We did all the OSB this weekend so we are ready to wrap here real soon once we do some minor things like caulking and such.

And here is the back side where the 2 bedrooms will be.

Well that's it for this week. Next weekend we should start wrapping and putting on siding and windows and all that good stuff so stay tuned!!

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!