Cabin Update,

Well I am sore, numb, I can't focus anymore and my brain is fried, just like Brettski said it would happen! Hey thanks Bski for the heads up. At least you let me know it was coming! smile

Anyway here are a few pics of what's been going on. The roof has been a challenge and took some time but we are about done with it. We only got a few rows left and then the ridge vent on top! Thank goodness!

Here is a front look of the fascia and drip rail on with felt on the roof. As you can see we still have to cut some of the felt on the left.

In this next pic you can see the left side of the cabin 95 percent shingled and looking good! We also finally got to take down the cat walk on this side. You can also see the OSB boards we are starting to put on the walls!!!

Here is the other side of the roof right near the top as well. We had to stop as the darn sun would get to hot and them shingles just get to mushy, but we almost got it. I want to say thanks to a buddy of mine his name is Eric for coming out and helping on Saturday! Thanks a bunch Eric for your help we sure needed it! Of course you can see the 3 inch vent on this side also. We haven't cut it down just yet and it will be painted to blend in once it's all said and done.

Then once it got a little to hot to work on the roof, we came down and started working on the walls. Got a couple of windows cut out and a few OSB boards on. Won't be long and we will be wrapping this baby I hope, and putting in windows!

Well that's it for now. We hope to get a lot done this coming weekend being hows it's a 3 day weekend for us. I'll update you all again as soon as I can.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!