My wife and I cleared Dallas cross- town traffic yesterday morning early enough to meet Todd and Kathy Overton in Buffalo for breakfast.
We proceeded to Overton’s fish farm to pick up some CNBG.

Todd invited me to accompany him on his morning rounds to inspect ponds and fish being grown out for the market.

He especially wanted me to see his 10,000, 3-4 inch HSB that are being grown out to large sizes for fall and winter pond stocking, as well as feed-trained LMB, and ponds full of tilapia, to be wintered over for spring stocking.

It was a sight to behold. His rectangular ponds are arranged side by side, and when he would approach the ponds, he would honk his pick-up truck horn, and the fish would form a gigantic school awaiting feed.

They would go a feeding frenzy when he tossed a scoop-full of feed.

If any folks ever have an opportunity to visit a fish farm, it is an educational and enjoyable experience.

I picked up 13 of Overton Fisheries adult CNBG (instant gratification :p ) to add to our Arkansas/Tyler fish Farm CNBG genetic mix, which are expected to be a prized combination.

The female CNBG were picked up yesterday, and the male CNBG was caught at our pond this morning.

We should get October and November spawns if the weather returns to normal fall pattern.

Female CNBG