Hi all. I still have several fish that made it through the winter.

I put some koi brand calcium bentonite clay I got from ebay in the water a few days ago after changing it and it seems to help keep it clean. I never have to change the water for my goldfish but the tilapia water gets filthy and I have to eventually give in. This last time, a couple days ago, I pumped it down as far as my sump pump would take it down and it was still filthy after I refilled it till I put in the koi clay. I noticed by the next day that it had dissolved all the brown scum around the pool.

I only put a few tablespoons in my goldfish water and it's sparkly clean. My filter pump quit working on my pool so it will be interesting to see what the clay will do. I put a whole pound in the other pool since it was still filthy even after the water change and the white color from the clay still hasn't settled out. But the fish sure seem to be happy and are even eating though I'm hardly feeding them till I can get the water cleanliness situation under control. You were right about the peroxide. It didn't do anything. It only took a day for the goldfish water to clear from the clay. I wonder how much longer it will take for all the clay I dumped in the pool. Has anyone ever used calcium bentonite clay? It's not the same stuff as the sodium bentonite they use to seal the bottoms of fish ponds. It seems to help a lot in keeping the water clear. I don't know if it will be enough for the tilapia though.