My wife and I are currently looking at a property that is perfect for what we want, the view, the land, level building site... The last remaining question is can we build a pond. The plan would be to build a pond in the bottom of the ravine, nothing large - something close to an acre. I have attached the Topo map. The Red line is the property perimeter, the blue is the proposed pond site, the purple is what I calculated the watershed area to be about 28 acres. The bottom of the ravine is always wet but looking at the soil maps is no use to me because I have no Idea what these exotic names for soil mean. The data from the NRCS WSS tool indicates the soil as "Dekalb Channery Sandy Loam" or "Laidig Channery Loam". I am kindly requesting some great knowlege from the experts on this site.

Attached Images