Thanks guys, I was pretty sure there hadn't been a spawn this year as I was pretty sure didn't warm up long enough for that. I caught 3 more this size in the trap yesterday and have it out again today, still nothing else caught in it yet. Did some fishing this morning since the wind wasn't as bad as it has been and caught 4 trout and saw a bird catch a fish and proceed to fly over me with it in it's talons. We saw a bald eagle about 1/2 a mile up the road from the house the other day so I initially thought that's what it was before it flew over but this bird had white feathers on it's underside so I don't think it was. I looked up some different large birds online and it looked a lot like the pictures I found of ospreys but I've never heard of them being around here. There are a lot of hawks but this would've easily been the biggest one I've ever seen, and I'm not sure if they will go into the water after fish or not.

I also finally got a few pictures of a single strand of the weed I inquired about a while back that I thought was chara:

Here's the catch from this morning/dinner this evening. The bottom rainbow had really been gorging itself on the Game Fish Chow I've been feeding them, the top one had been feeding on it as well but not to the same extent, and the middle two didn't have anything in them: