Hello PondBossers, some fabulous artwork for you:


Building a tiny 1/4 acre pond and wanted to determine a good strategy for structure in this small space for Bass and Blue Gill. In reading the posts on this subject, I'm a bit overwhelmed with the great ideas out there, and don't want to overcrowd this little pond. I have access to lots of small to med-large rock from the excavation, mountain juniper limbs/logs, as well as other things. I tend to go overboard on such things, and would really appreciate your advice on making the best of this teeny, weenie pond.

Also, since this is smaller than typical for Bass, we'll need to increase the turnover to more than once a day from what I see on this forum... any comments as to how many per day for this ~100,000 gal pond? Note that we're hoping for a constant level pond w/siphon spillway & a feed from the well @ ~12gpm. Also plan to pump from the pond up the hillside a bit to feed a stream/waterfall which will flow back into pond and hopefully turn and aerate (separate inlet from the draw that supplies pond). Thoughts?