I agree with that size of a pond you may not run into them for awhile. Heck I only have a 1 acre pond and I swear sometimes all my fish are gone!!! I bet they are there. Your ice will get about 3 feet thick max I would think. Have you ever test your ice thickness? Either way it won't get thick enough for a 37 foot deep pond. I lived in far Northern Wisconsin for many years and did my fair share of ice fishing and most of the lakes we went on were about 2 feet thick or so. So with your pond being 37 feet deep you shouldn't have a problem with winter kill. Maybe Otters? or Beavers??? Birds??? But I don't think winter kill would do it.

Course I am assuming you don't have any large N. Pike in there or Musky???

Last edited by RC51; 01/27/11 03:29 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!